
Little boy on the road

I met a little boy on the road yesterday. He must not have been older than 10 years of age. He was selling one of those smiley face plasticine things that change shape when you push or pull at them. I asked him how much he was charging and he said Rs. 25. I gave him Rs. 30 and as I was rolling up the car window he tapped saying 'your change'. I told him 'you can keep it' [rakh lo] and he replied (rather offended) 'I do not take money' [mein paisay nahi leta]. I watched him walk away tall and upright. I felt shallow within. I am five ruppees richer but much poorer than that little boy on the road. I hope his principles survive through time and age.


Anonymous said...

That boy is really brave who is fighting with odds of life. It is shameful for us as well that a sweet and cute child , our country fellow, is doing labour on the streets when he supposed to be in a school.

CR said...

I thought you were in London/Britain... anyway, the boy has real principles.

Prudent Bird said...
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Prudent Bird said...
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Ram said...

The thing is that... there are lot of determined kids like him. But it is really hard to find them and give them whatever they are supposed to get. It really takes some guts to be an idealist in this society and at that age.

Zarin said...

I have always felt that we should appreciate people for all the right reasons that is, their wisdom, values, honesty and principles and not for how much money they have or for the car they are driving. That brings about a lot of materialism.

You have brought forth the same beliefs that I have always felt so strongly in a short but meaningful story!

I appreciate the boy for his attitude and you for appreciating his principles.

I am adding you to my blog roll and hope you link to my blogs too:
