I met a little boy on the road yesterday. He must not have been older than 10 years of age. He was selling one of those smiley face plasticine things that change shape when you push or pull at them. I asked him how much he was charging and he said Rs. 25. I gave him Rs. 30 and as I was rolling up the car window he tapped saying 'your change'. I told him 'you can keep it' [rakh lo] and he replied (rather offended) 'I do not take money' [mein paisay nahi leta]. I watched him walk away tall and upright. I felt shallow within. I am five ruppees richer but much poorer than that little boy on the road. I hope his principles survive through time and age.
Round the clock
I am not sure how or why but I have landed myself the same schedule I left about three years ago. Grad school was a nice break. I did not intend to juggle lots after coming back but here it is. Six months out of school and am running short of time for even meals. I think keeping busy makes sense when the being idle becomes synonymous with despair. We are living in uncertain times - the less time we have at our hands the less likely we are to realize where we are really headed.
Things continue to come together
Turns out the gods were listening when SAJ dropped in his comment on an earlier post. Today, has been a good day. Opportunities come in bundles. See one and the others follow. However, the door must be open.
I wonder why we keep procrastinating when it comes to giving out information that can offend another. I figure we do not want to be in a confrontation. Likewise, it makes sense to hesitate before passing on bad news. Nonetheless, why wait. Particularly, why wait when the longer you wait the more the other will feel offended. How about just jumping right in and coming out clean.
Things come together
Lately, I feel the universe conspiring in my favor. Somehow things fall in place by themselves. However, I cannot suppress the temptation to qualify current optimism. Things fall apart much faster than than they come together. For now, I am enjoying experiencing things coming together.