

I was talking to a friend last night and the realization of graduating in less than three months hit hard. I am graduating in three months!

Actually 75 days but that is not the point. The point is returning home after graduating. It is interesting how home is still elsewhere despite living here for almost two years. This is home only when I am out of town or returning to the apartment on a cold evening. That is also not the point. I have a feeling there will be quite a few points in this post. So yes, I am returning home in 75 days. I will need a job in 75 days. I will be dealing with adjusting back in to an environment I was once but am no longer used to.

Am I anxious? Surprisingly, not all that much. After a certain age change becomes a norm or may be not. I have moved around quite a bit all my life. Every 2-3 years I moved from one city to another. Two years ago I moved from one country to another. Did I mention the two countries happen to be on different continents and the ten hour time difference of course.

Plus, change happens all the time. Whether you like it or not things change, people change and we too change. I wonder how much I have changed. Quite a bit I suppose. Whether you look at time as a continuum or a fragmented string of events, change is omnipresent. You are born and you grow oh so quickly, learn to crawl, walk, talk and all. You grow a few years and you start school. You grow a few more and you are in primary school. Add a couple of years to that and there you have it, adolescence. Ah! that time of self imagined glory and righteousness.

Then there is o-levels or whatever 10th/11th grade system of education you get put through. Two more years and you are in college. Four years of college in which you learn and unlearn more than most people ever will in their entire lives. No, I am not talking about classroom learning. And then you graduate. You get a job (or get married if you are a female who was born and raised to get married). In my case you work for two years after college. Then you go back to school and after a few months get married. And then you graduate.

What do you after that? Do you work for two years again and go back to school. It will be so cool if one could do that over and over again. Of course, not with the same work and degree though. So yes, what do I do after graduating. Work!. That I will but do I work with a PhD in mind few years down the road or do I just go back and dump myself in a corporate slum. Or do I just sit back and let Mr. husband man to do all the work and be the coffee-tea (aloo gosht/chayay) housewife. I know i am judgmental, sometimes, or may be often. But yes the housewife thing is just not it I guess. Even with all the cooking I am obsessed with, it is just not it.

So the bottom line is I graduate, I work and I find a way to go back to school.

1 comment:

Rahman Hariri said...

Interesting dilemma, but more interesting is that you seem to have figured out what you are going to do. In my case, years ago, I decided I had enough - not wanting to go back to school anymore. I need to return home and work after graduating. Of course, the monotonous of working life and the idea of being a student again made returning to school inevitable.

Good luck.